An Ethics Program has been established in the ORTDM to ensure that the Municipality is and is seen to be a responsible corporate citizen.
Considering what is good and right ​​​​for the self and the other, and can be expressed in terms of the golden rule, to treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.
May be a graphic of text that says 'O.R. TAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY rAMBO DISTRICT MUNICIPALI ETHICAL VALUES DERIVED FROM THE NAMES OF TH LATELEGEND, LATE OLIVER TAMBO FROM WHICH THE MUNICIPALITY IS NAMED AFTER. o-Objective Leadership -Industrious -Virtuous E -Ethical and Excellence Respect, Responsible and Responsive T -Tenacious and Transparent A -Accountable -Meticulous B-BoldandBrav B -Bold and Brave -Openness SPEAK OUT! Reportanyincidentsof: incidentsof: unethicalbehaviour ORTAMBOSTRCTHANCPALTETHESAOPAHO IUNICIPALTYETHICSANDFRAUDHOTLNE O.R.TAMBODISTRICTMUNICIPALI L0800111890'
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